Becoming familiar with the loan application process can help make the process much easier. Following is a list of frequently requested documents that you may be asked to provide, when applying for a mortgage. We’ll send you a personalized documentation checklist, after the initial consultation.

  • Copy of a valid Driver’s License.
  • Copy of Permanent Residency Card (front and back), if applicable.
  • Copies of bank, brokerage and/or retirement accounts, for the most recent two month period (all pages, even if blank).
  • Pay-stubs, covering a full 30 day period, reflecting year-to-date income.
  • Annual Award/Benefit Letter, if receiving, Social Security, Pension or Disability income.
  • W-2s and/or 1099s for 2017 and 2018.
  • Federal Tax Returns (1040s) for 2017 and 2018.
  • If you own more than 25% of a Corporation, LLC or Partnership, copies all K-1s and 1120 or 1065 tax returns, for 2017 and 2018.
  • Copy of most recent mortgage statement, for all properties owned.
  • Copy of homeowners insurance policy (declarations page) or HO6 (condo insurance) policy, for all properties owned.
  • If you own rental property, copies of all lease agreements.
  • If you are currently renting, the contact information for your landlord or property management company.
  • If you own a condominium, a copy of the monthly HOA dues statement and the contact information for the Homeowners Association.
  • If you are recently divorced or obligated to pay child support, a copy of the divorce decree or court order.
  • If your property will be vested (take title) in a Trust, please provide a copy of the Trust.